Delaware Repeaters
Delaware Repeaters
Net: Sundays at 8:00 PM
ATV Intercom 144.34 MHz FM
Ebright DE - KC3AM
Coverage: Wilmington DE & surrounding communities
Location: 39-50-08N 75-31-10W, 448 ft. (120 ft. tower)
Output: 423 MHz DVB-T 2M H. pol.
Input: 439.25 MHz LVSB & 438 MHz DVB-T 2M H. pol. (linked to Darby)
Darby PA - KC3AM
Coverage: Darby, Southern Philadelphia & surrounding communities
Location: 39-55-36N 75-11-08W, 120 ft. (160 ft. tower)
Output: 421.25 MHz VSB H. pol.
Input: 439.25 MHz LVSB (linked to Ebright)