Paul Sheffield

1947 - 2003

Paul (W6VLM) was an active ATN member. He passed away last night (5/16/03) and we already miss him greatly.

Please pass this information on to ATN members and feel free to make an appropriate memorial announcement at Dayton and on the ATN web page...

Last night, at the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club meeting, Paul Sheffield collapsed into unconsciousness. Two doctors (hams) on the scene, and later paramedics, tried to revive him unsuccessfully. He was pronounced dead at Goleta Valley Hospital at about 9:00 PM.

Paul is a great loss for Amateur Radio and especially ATV in the Santa Barbara area. He has been one of our most active ATV'ers, helping to build and maintain the local ATV repeater and motivating others to become involved in ATV, SSTV and other specialized modes. He regularly participated in the Tuesday night ATV Nets, showing live video, video tapes and slow-scan images. He is the major proponent of adding an ATV station to the SBARC Club Station. Most recently he motivated local experimentation with digital slow-scan TV and encouraged future experimentation with digital ATV. He is survived by his teenage son, Alexander.

CQ W6VLM/Heaven de WB9KMO... QSL, QSL, U R P5+... Rest in peace, my friend...



There was a graveside memorial service for Paul Sheffield, W6VLM at 10 AM this Friday, May 23. The service was held at Carpinteria Cemetery, 1501 Cravens Lane in Carpinteria. This is near Padero Lane on the mountain side of the 101 freeway and the mountain side of Sandpiper Mobile Home Park. An obituary for Paul is planned for the Thursday News Press and it's expected to contain additional details.